Plants in the Office

business office plants

There have been numerous scientific studies that have detailed the positive effects of having plants inside your office, both in terms of appearance and also psychological. Here are some of the facts and figures that might encourage you to make your workplace a more natural paradise.

Plants have been proven to reduce stress. A 2010 study suggested that depression in the office was reduced by 58% with the presence of plants, anger was diminished by 44% and even tiredness was reduced by 38%. Considering the amount of productivity which is hindered by such moods and even absences created by health issues relating to stress, a plant is a small price to pay for the potential boost in output and overall happiness of the staff. Studies have also suggested that the introduction of plants in a work place can reduce absence by as much as 50%.

As well as making an office more aesthetically pleasing, plants help to make employees feel more comfortable. Being surrounded by natural greenery even lowers blood pressure and help people to perceive their surroundings better. Focus and concentration also improve, which reduces mistakes and increases productivity. Comfortable and healthy employees produce better work. In fact, a number of studies have been conducted and they average at about a 10% - 15% increase in productivity where plants have been present in the building. One possible explanation for this, is that plants reduce excess carbon dioxide in the immediate proximity through the process of photosynthesis, creating a more pleasant atmosphere for people to co-exist in.

Speaking of which, by introducing one plant for every three employees, carbon dioxide can be reduced by 50%, and not only this, but plants will continue to clean up the air in which we exist by reducing the level of dust, bacteria and mould. Plants make our environment more humid, which is particularly effective in an office environment as computer monitors and air conditioning units can really dry out the atmosphere which can lead to sickness and absence of employees which of course results in a drop of productivity.

An office with plants is more welcoming and interesting for both your employees and your clients. We have all been inside multiple offices which all feel the same; with cubicle walls, whirring computer monitors and that humdrum grey and sea of neutral colours that seems to sterilise everything. Plants make your work space more unique and pleasant to look at and to be inside, and considering how much time we often have to spend working in an office, it pays to make it more comfortable for everybody. They also soak up some excess sound, reducing background noise by about 5 decibels, adding to the more pleasant environment.

Last but not least, plants can also boost creativity. While this has been proven, with a margin of 15%, nobody quite knows why, but could be due to the more relaxed and comfortable nature of the employees.

So we know that plants have a very positive effect on both the happiness and productivity of staff, but some plants are better suited than others to the modern work place. Low maintenance plants such as spider plants and cacti are particularly effective in environments without too much light. Spider plants are particularly good at improving air quality by removing pollutants and bacteria from the atmosphere and by boosting humidity.

Another plant which is hard to kill is philodendron, which can thrive in both full sun and full shade circumstances. It is also exceptionally good at cleaning dirty air and improving the environment for office workers and has been proven to increase concentration.

One more plant worth mentioning is the peace lily, which actually prefers darker places to live in, such as an office. They are visually striking plants that brighten up the workplace and they remove more VOCs and toxins from the air than almost any other house plant.

If your work place is looking a little grey and generic, perhaps it is time to brighten up your office with some greenery and to boost the morale and productivity of your staff. For such a small price, the health and psychological benefits are monumental, and you should see a return on your investment very quickly.